    On the final day of the conference, participants were divided into groups according to job classification for round-table discussions.  Each group,  led by a facilitator, had the opportunity to discuss topics related to the department in which they work.
    Participants commented on how much benefit was obtained from the forum.  Having a chance to compare how the same department in a different educational institution operates added a new dimension in how the office professionals viewed their particular function.  This was the first year this type of round-table concept was included at the conference.  Judging from the positive feedback that was given by the participants, it was a successful venture.
    BobThe closing speaker, Dr. Robert Orndorf
    Associate Director-Recruiting and Employer
    Relations at Penn State University, gave a
    presentation entitled "PIE of Life".   Bob's
    humorous, practical style makes him a favorite
    presenter at PAEOP conferences. 
    During the entire conference, raffle tickets are sold for donated items such as quilts and theme baskets.  During the conference wrap-up session ticket holders anxiously wait to hear their raffle ticket number called indicating that they will have the priviledge of taking home one of the treasured items.   What better way could there be to end an informative, professionally rewarding conference than by winning a beautiful hand made quilt or theme basket!
Last Modified on November 2, 2016