Professional Standards Program
Members of NAEOP are encouraged to participate in the volunteer program designed with nine certification levels and is based on education, work experience, professional development activity and educational association participation.Not a member of NAEOP? Uncertain if you would qualify for the program? If you are ready to learn more about the program, you are only a few simple clicks away. Resources can be found on the NAEOP website at www.naeop.org.
Recent changes implemented by the National Association of Educational Office Professionals (NAEOP) sponsored program enables participants to complete the application process with ease, including the elimination of the pressure of the three application deadlines. Applications can be submitted at any time of the year. To participate in the annual NAEOP PSP banquet during the annual NAEOP conference, applicants must have obtained approval of their certification by May 15th of the current or preceding year. I highly recommend you go to the NAEOP website, review the booklet and download the forms. Submit a draft copy of the forms and supporting documents to me for review.
As always, please feel free to reach out to me with application questions.
Applicants currently enrolled in higher education and are a member of PAEOP, may also be eligible to apply for the Louise Henderson Nelson Member Scholarship. Ask me for the guidelines!
Recognition of PSP certification is acknowledged annually at the state level during the PAEOP spring conference. WE are looking forward to acknowledging YOU!
Bonnie J. Miller, CEOE
PAEOP PSP Chair bmiller@paceschool.orgOffice: 412-342-4386 Cell: 412-877-9036