• Behind the Scenes

    The night before the 2011 PAEOP conference begins, officers and volunteers undertake the task of setting up the Ways and Means room.  This room will become a focal point for attendees where gifts and memorabilia can be purchased.  Raffle items and donated baskets are also on display here.
    A small staff of volunteers oversees operation of the Ways and Means room during the entire conference.  Many of these volunteers are relatives of PAEOP officers and eagerly donate their time to provide coverage.  The service these volunteers provide is invaluable and very much appreciated.  They are part of what keeps the operation of the Ways and Means room running smoothly and makes the conference a success.

    This year the PAEOP community mourned the loss of two dedicated volunteers.  Loretta Schnabel and her friend, Evelyn Himes worked diligently for many years in the Ways and Means room.  Patty Keller, Ways and Means Coordinator, enjoyed the opportunity of working beside her mother Loretta.  Evelyn and Loretta are featured in a few pictures above in the scrolling photo gallery.
    We continue to miss our dear friend Hermine Solt who passed away several years ago.  Though we are saddended by the absence of these wonderful women, we celebrate the priviledge it was to know them and to have such fine examples of enthusiasm and dedication.


Last Modified on November 2, 2016